Distributor section

Welcome to the Distributor Section - your go-to source for the latest news and support designed exclusively for our partners.

Explore a suite of powerful tools to boost your business and streamline communication. We are committed to your success and delighted to be your trusted partner on this journey.

Choose from our main distributor resources

Distributor trainings

List of upcoming trainings and webinars.

Marketing resources

DataApex Brand Identity Guide, logos and other graphic elements that help you to prepare your marketing materials.

Distributor essentials

Foundational information for successful cooperation

FAQsFrequently asked questions about Clarity support, ordering, sales & marketing.
Clarity RoadmapRelease dates and milestones for supplying external drivers.
Downloads for DistributorsDownloads from all distributor sections listed on one webpage

Latest news & announcements


Please note that we have changed our policy regarding free software upgrades. This change will take effect with the release of Clarity / Clarity OEM 9.0, expected in June 2023.


We highly recommend to provide us with details on chromatographs-devices you intend to connect to Clarity, including the manufacturer and model, on your purchase orders.


We have launched our new Brand identity guide 2023. This comprehensive guide outlines our brand's visual identity and guidelines for implementation. The guide (code B047) is available here
