What is the Serial Number (S/N) and User Code (U/C)?

Serial Number (S/N) and User Code (U/C) are two essential identifiers for our software.

The S/N is a 7- or 8-digit number representing the station's serial number. It is saved in the HW key and is permanent, meaning it doesn't change with the Clarity configuration change. Whenever you ask for technical support at support@dataapex.com, you will have to provide your S/N.

On the other hand, U/C is a 16- or 17-digit code that defines the configuration and version of the chromatography software. It is formed from letters and numbers and unlocks the specific Clarity configuration in a specific HW key. You will need to enter the U/C during the installation process, and when the configuration changes, you must set the new U/C (usually received via email) in the Clarity main window - Help - User Code... dialog.

S/N and U/C can be found on the packing list, and installation media. You can also read the S/N and U/C from within the software (main window – menu Help/About).

About boxSystem Files

UPDATE  13.08.2024